Model data

A struct named model_data is exported and holds all information about your model.

mutable struct ModelData
    model::AbstractModel                                  # any of the supported models (currently only Flux.jl model).
    normalization::Normalization                          # a Normalization struct, which describes how to normalize input data
    loss::Function                                        # holds loss that is used during training and validation.
    input_size::Union{NTuple{2,Int64},NTuple{3,Int64}}    # model input size.
    output_size::Union{NTuple{2,Int64},NTuple{3,Int64}}   # model output size.
    input_type::Symbol                                    # type of input data (:image).
    problem_type::Symbol                                  # type of ML problem (:classification, :regression or :segmentation).
    classes::Vector{<:AbstractClass}                      # hold information about classes that a neural network outputs and what should be done with them.
    output_options::Vector{<:AbstractOutputOptions}      # hold information about output options for each class for application of the model.
    layers_info::Vector{AbstractLayerInfo}                # contains information for visualisation of layers.

classes and output_options type depends on a type of a problem.

mutable struct ImageClassificationClass<:AbstractClass
    name::String                # name of a class.
    weight::Float32             # weight of a class used for weighted accuracy calculation.

mutable struct ImageRegressionClass<:AbstractClass
    name::String                # name of a class.

mutable struct ImageSegmentationClass<:AbstractClass
    name::String               # name of a class. It is just for your convenience.
    weight::Float32            # weight of a class used for weighted accuracy calculation.
    color::Vector{Float64}     # RGB color of a class, which should correspond to its color on your images. Uses 0-255 range.
    parents::Vector{String}    # up to two parents can be specified by their name. Objects from a child are added to its parent.
    overlap::Bool              # specifies that a class is an overlap of two classes and should be just added to specified parents.
    min_area::Int64            # minimum area of an object.
    BorderClass::BorderClass   # allows to train a neural network to recognize borders and, therefore, better separate objects during post-processing.

mutable struct BorderClass
    thickness::Int64           # border thickness in pixels.

ImageClassificationOutputOptions and ImageRegressionOutputOptions are currently empty. New functionality can be added on request.

mutable struct ImageSegmentationOutputOptions<:AbstractOutputOptions
    Mask::OutputMask            # holds output mask options.
    Area::OutputArea            # holds area of objects options.
    Volume::OutputVolume        # holds volume of objects options.

mutable struct OutputMask
    mask::Bool                  # exports a mask after applying all processing except for border data.
    mask_border::Bool           # exports a mask with class borders if a class has border detection enabled.
    mask_applied_border::Bool   # exports a mask processed using border data.

mutable struct OutputArea
    area_distribution::Bool     # exports area distribution of detected objects as a histogram.
    obj_area::Bool              # exports area of each detected object.
    obj_area_sum::Bool          # exports sum of all areas for each class.
    binning::Symbol             # specifies a binning method (:auto, :number_of_bins, :bin_width).
    value::Float64              # number of bins or bin width depending on a previous settings.
    normalisation::Symbol       # normalisation type for a histogram (:none, :pdf, :density, :probability).

mutable struct OutputVolume
    volume_distribution::Bool   # exports volume distribution of detected objects as a histogram.
    obj_volume::Bool            # exports volume of each detected object.
    obj_volume_sum::Bool        # exports sum of all volumes for each class.
    binning::Symbol             # specifies a binning method (:auto, :number_of_bins, :bin_width).
    value::Float64              # number of bins or bin width depending on a previous settings.
    normalisation::Symbol       # normalisation type for a histogram (:none, :pdf, :density, :probability).

Example code for a segmentation problem.

class1 = ImageSegmentationClass(name = "Cell", weight = 1, color = [0,255,0], min_area = 5, BorderClass=BorderClass(true,5))
class2 = ImageSegmentationClass(name = "Vacuole", weight = 1, color = [255,0,0], parents = ["Cell",""], min_area = 5)

class_output_options1 = ImageSegmentationOutputOptions()
class_output_options2 = ImageSegmentationOutputOptions()

settings.problem_type = :segmentation
classes = [class1,class2]
output_options = [class_output_options1,class_output_options2]
model_data.classes = classes
model_data.OutputOptions = output_options


All options are located in EasyML.options.

mutable struct Options
    ValidationOptions::ValidationOptions = validation_options

Global options

mutable struct GlobalOptions

Can be accessed as EasyML.global_options.

mutable struct HardwareResources
    allow_GPU::Bool      # allows to use a GPU if a compatible one is installed.
    num_threads::Int64   # a number of CPU threads that will be used.
    num_slices::Int64    # allows to process images during validation and application that otherwise cause an out of memory error by slicing them into multiple parts. Used only for segmentation.
    offset::Int64        # offsets each slice by a given number of pixels to allow for an absence of a seam. 
mutable struct Graphics
    scaling_factor::Float64   # scales GUI by a given factor.

Design options

mutable struct DesignOptions
    width::Float64        # width of layers
    height::Float64       # height of layers
    min_dist_x::Float64   # minimum horizontal distance between layers
    min_dist_y::Float64   # minimum vertical distance between layers

Can be accessed as EasyML.design_options.

Training options

mutable struct TrainingOptions

Can be accessed as EasyML.training_options.

mutable struct AccuracyOptions 
    weight_accuracy::Bool   # uses weight accuracy where applicable.
    accuracy_mode::Symbol   # either :auto or :manual. :manual allows to specify weights manually for each class.
mutable struct TestingOptions
    test_data_fraction::Float64     # a fraction of data from training data to be used for testing if data preparation mode is set to :Auto.
    num_tests::Float64              # a number of tests to be done each epoch at equal intervals.
    data_preparation_mode::Symbol   # Either :Auto or :Manual. Auto takes a specified fraction of training data to be used for testing. Manual allows to use other data as testing data.
mutable struct HyperparametersOptions
    optimiser::Symbol                   # an optimiser that should be used during training. ADAM usually works well for all cases.
    optimiser_params::Vector{Float64}   # parameters specific for each optimiser. Default ones can be found in EasyML.training_options_data
    learning_rate::Float64              # pecifies how fast a model should train. Lower values - more stable, but slower. Higher values - less stable, but faster. Should be decreased as training progresses.
    epochs::Int64                       # a number of rounds for which a model should be trained.
    batch_size::Int64                   # a number of data that should be batched together during training.

Data preparation options

struct DataPreparationOptions
    Images::ImagePreparationOptions = image_preparation_options

Can be accessed as data_preparation_options.

@with_kw mutable struct ImagePreparationOptions
    grayscale::Bool = false      # converts images to grayscale for training, validation and application.
    mirroring::Bool = false      # augments data by producing horizontally mirrored images.
    num_angles::Int64 = 1        # augments data by rotating images using a specified number of angles. 1 means no rotation, only an angle of 0.
    min_fr_pix::Float64 = 0.0    # if supplied images are bigger than a model's input size, then an image is broken into chunks with a correct size. This option specifies the minimum number of labeled pixels for these chunks to be kept.
    BackgroundCropping::BackgroundCroppingOptions = background_cropping_options   # crops image to removed uniformly black backgorund.
@with_kw mutable struct BackgroundCroppingOptions
    enabled::Bool = false
    threshold::Float64 = 0.3   # creates a mask from values less than threshold.
    closing_value::Int64 = 1   # value for morphological closing which is used to smooth the mask.

Validation options

mutable struct ValidationOptions
    Accuracy::AccuracyOptions = accuracy_options

Can be accessed as validation_options

mutable struct AccuracyOptions
    weight_accuracy::Bool   # uses weight accuracy where applicable.
    accuracy_mode::Symbol   # either :auto or :manual. :manual allows to specify weights manually for each class.

Application options

mutable struct ApplicationOptions
    savepath::String     # specifies where results are saved.
    apply_by::Symbol     # either :file or :folder. If :folder is chosen, then results of files in the same folder are combined.
    data_type::Symbol    # output data type (:csv,:xlsx,:json,:bson).
    image_type::Symbol   # output image type (:png,:tiff,:json,:bson).
    scaling::Float64     # multiplies results by a specified factor

Can be accessed as application_options.

A custom loop

A custom loop can be written using forward.

Example code for a segmentation problem.

model = model_data.model
data = [ones(Float32,160,160,3,1)]   # vector with your data goes here
results = Vector{BitArray{3}}(undef,0)
for i = 1:length(data)
    output_raw = forward(model,data[i])
    output_bool = output_raw[:,:,:].>0.5
    output = apply_border_data(output_bool,model_data.classes)   # can be removed if your model does not detect borders

forward(model::Chain, inputdata::Array{Float32}; numslices::Int64=1, offset::Int64=20, use_GPU::Bool=false)

The function takes in a model and input data and returns output from that model. num_slices specifies in how many slices should an array be run thorugh a neural network. Allows to process images that otherwise cause an out of memory error. offset specifies the size of an overlap that should be taken from the left and right side of each slice to allow for an absense of a seam. use_GPU enables or disables GPU usage.


Used for segmentation. Uses borders of objects that a neural network detected in order to separate objects from each other. Output from a neural network should be fed after converting to BitArray.


Custom training data

Example code for a classification problem.

model_data.problem_type = :classification # :regression, or :segmentation
model_data.model = your_model

Sets data for testing.


A fraction of training data also specified in training options is set aside for testing.


Set weights for weight accuracy to ws. If sum(ws) ≠ 1 then it is adjusted to be so. If weights are not specified then inverse frequency of labesl is used.
